Monday, July 16, 2007


Hi everyone and welcome to my own little corner of the web. I needed an outlet to relieve my blood pressure and to keep my sanity intact, so I decided to blog like trillions of others on the web.

This blog is politically oriented because it is time to counter partisan politics. If you are of the politically correct mindset, you may as well just go somewhere else. I do not cower or bend to anyone's ideology but my own. I don't play word games and I don't pull punches. As the title of my blog states, I take aim. It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, black, white, Christian or other. I take aim at those who use their ideology to subvert the greatest country in the world and it's constitution.

Sit back and watch how it's done. I think if people start think in terms of right and wrong instead of right or left, we can start making this country great once again. It takes "Big Onions" to go against the status quo and stand up for what you believe in. I've got big onions and I'm not afraid to use them. Just ask my kids!

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