Monday, July 16, 2007

Hodge-Podge of the Day

I find Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff's statement that he has a "Gut Feeling" regarding terror attacks this summer just a little disturbing. C'mon. This guy is in charge of protecting the homeland and the best he can come up with is "A gut feeling"? FIRE HIS ASS!

Intelligence and security officials in the U.S. say that Al-Qaeda is rebuilding and are attempting to insert cells in this country. NEWS FLASH, GENIUSES: They are already here. They've been here. They probably just walked right across the Mexican border. They have been here setting up shop for years and just quietly biding their time. Get ready for fighting in the streets. Want to know what Islamic Terrorists are thinking?
Go Here

Has anyone noticed the crappy job our new congress is doing? So far they have managed to open 300 or so investigations into the Bush administration on everything from the war in Iraq to whether George Bush wears boxers or briefs. They still want revenge from the 2000 elections I guess.

On the same note, does the current Democratic-run congress realize that they are stepping over Constitutional boundries by enacting legislation telling the President how to run the war? They are also trampling the constitution by threatening criminal subpoena's in regards to President Bush and his personal papers on the firings of the U.S. Attorneys. If he wants to fire all the U.S. Attorneys, that's his call, and Congress can't do a damned thing about it. They serve at the presidents pleasure, plain and simple. President Clinton fired something like nearly all of them, and no one seems to think that was innappropriate. Like I said, the current Congress could care less about running the country.

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