Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Death Of A Football Star Now Political Fodder

As new reports come out about the circumstances of the death of Arizona Cardinal's star Pat Tillman, we are finding more and more evidence that not only was his death a friendly-fire incident, but possibly (Or more than likely) a calculated killing.

The evidence has been slow to come out, for sure. When we first heard of Tillman's death, everyone - pros and cons of the war - was shocked and saddened. We have a young man who's potential on the gridiron was very, very promising and he gave it all up to serve his country, although he was against the war in Iraq.

Now we are finding out that his death, although still while serving honorably, was possibly a murder. Why? well, it appears at this point one of his fellow Rangers was miffed because Tillman told him to quit sniveling about being under fire (I don't know what the exact quote was, but you get the picture). Apparently the Ranger in question returned the comment by firing 3 rounds into Tillman's head at close range.

Was, and is, the Bush administration covering up what actually happened? Sure. Why? Well, that is open to speculation but we can all agree that for one reason or another, they didn't want the truth to come out. Now, my gut feeling is that they wanted to use Tillman to say, "Look, we have a young man who could have made ass-loads of money playing football but he believed in what we were doing in Iraq and sacrificed his life".

Now that we have all that out of the way, here's why I'm writing this. The blog site is now reporting that Tillman was possibly murdered, by orders from the top of the Bush administration, to keep him from becoming an anti-war icon. How in the hell did this story come about? Well, in a nutshell, it stems from an interview of then General Wesley Clark by Keith Olbermann. Nowhere in this interview did Clark indicate that his murder was possibly ordered, but our favorite nut job and conspiracy whack Alex Jones, who lives in his own little pathetic world, took the story and twisted it, making false statements, and made it appear it was an assassination order from the administration.

It appears now that the bandwagon of the anti-war websites are picking up the story.

There is no doubt that someone, and no one on the outside knows for sure right now, ordered a cover-up of Tillman's death. Was it Bush? Cheney? Bob who sweeps the floors of the West Wing? Don't know. Why are they using Executive Privilege to keep the story in the shadows? My guess would be that it has to do with nothing more than trying to figure out who did it, get their story straight and not jump the gun. I could be wrong though. This administration has used Executive Privilege more than I've used my dishwasher. The best thing they can do is come clean and say, "Hey, we screwed up and we're sorry". Will they do it? Hell no.

Ranger Patrick Tillman died an honorable death doing what he thought was right. This administration has tarnished his, and every other soldier and Marine, who have worn the uniform and died for their country. However, using Tillman's death to exact revenge on Dubya also tarnishes his memory and his service. It's the mindless zombies who will get back at this administration at all costs, even if it means lying, cheating, and stealing. They refuse to use common sense.

That pisses me off.

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