Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Money Trail To Nowhere

Just a quick note: I am not even going down the road of the big sleepover in Congress last night. I think it was asinine, idiotic, stupid, whatever. The majority in Congress needs to get off their asses, stop playing games, and get the damned job done we voted them to do!

Money Trail to Nowhere...

Has anyone heard of the project "
Center For Instrumented Critical Infrastructure"? I have not, and apparently neither has Congress.

In a nutshell, Rep. John Murtha has earmarked one million dollars for the project. Rep. Peter Visclosky of Indiana is the chair of the subcommittee overseeing the project. Anyone in charge of a project should know the ins and outs of it, right? Not in our government. See the response by Visclosky when grilled by Rep. Jeff Flake Here.

Passing Gas

Is Iran really a threat to the United States? If you think they aren't, you better wake up and do a little research. Should we bomb the hell out of them? No. I think with the way their economy is going
, the people will take care of Armegeddon-John their own way.

Flip Flop... Republican Style

I thought that during one of President Bush's speeches somewhere around the time we invaded Iraq he stated that we would not, absolutely, negotiate with terrorists. Remember " Your either with us or against us"? Yeah, right...See the turnaround Here

...And on a casual note

I think if America focused on the war in a different light, we may understand a little better why we are fighting terrorism, and particularly, in Iraq. Muslim terrorists are barbarians, plain and simple. This is a subject I am fairly well versed in and while I don't favor the war in Iraq (For logistics reasons) I do favor what we are doing in taking the war to their homeland. Trust me, it needs to be done but it needs to be done in an expedient manner. While people may argue whether or not it is a just war, or whether Bush lied to get us there, has no relevance now. What matters is that we are already there and we must, for our national security, finish the job. We can investigate, impeach, argue, point fingers, etc. later, when our national security is assured.

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